giovedì 8 ottobre 2015


Traduzioni in contesto per resigned in inglese-italiano da Reverso Context: Charlie also resigned his leadership position at MPRAC. Dizionario Reverso Inglese-Italiano per tradurre resigned e migliaia di altre parole. Resigned definition, submissive or acquiescent. English dictionary definition of resigned. Feeling or marked by resignation;.

Weblio辞書 - resigned とは【意味】あきらめている,忍従している.

RESIGNED : traduzioni in italiano e sinonimi. How to use resigned in a sentence. A resignation is a personal decision to exit a position, though outside pressure exists in many cases. He resigned the crown to follow his heart. After fighting for so long, she finally resigned to her death.

He had no choice but to resign the game and let his opponent become the champion. When you let your boss know you are leaving your job, this is an example of a situa. Definition of resigned in the Idioms Dictionary.

What does resigned expression mean? Synonyms for resign at Thesaurus. Find descriptive alternatives for resign. Characterized by resignation or acceptance.

All right, Miles said with a resigned expression, and he went away with the two officers. Está bien, dijo Miles con un gesto de resignación, y se fue con los dos oficiales. To resign is to quit or retire from a position. Information and translations of resigned in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.

I resigned because the schedule was no longer manageable. This job will allow me to continue to use my nursing skills in a more ideal schedule. Benedict XVI shocked the world in February when he became the first pope to resign in almost 6years. But attention shifted quickly to the succession, and the election of the new Pope, Francis.

David Cameron has resigned , bringing an abrupt end to his six-year premiership, after the British public took the momentous decision to reject his entreaties and turn their back on the European Union. RESIGN: traduzioni in italiano, sinonimi e contrari e definizioni in inglese. Ulteriori informazioni su parola inglese: resigned , tra cui definizione, antonimo, sinonimi e pronuncia.

Skip navigation Sign in. The matter deserves more than a resigned shrug.

PKG files are resigned converting from DEBUG to HAN style Notes Separate resigning for. Justice Department uncovered widespread evidence of his political corruption, including allegations that his. Jump to navigation Jump to search.

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