mercoledì 23 novembre 2016

Say tell ask differenze

Le differenze tra Talk, Speak, Tell , Say. Scopri quando e come usare queste due parole troppo spesso confuse e inizia a parlare come un madrelingua! Say hello to your sister for me.

Did you say thank you to Mrs Anderson? We said goodbye at the airport. To tell : segue a questo verbo un complemento indiretto di termine.

Non e’ mai presente il “to” dopo la voce verbale. A volte capita di fare confusione con i verbi to speak, to talk, to say , to tell. Vediamo ora quali sono le differenze più importanti tra di loro! I speak English, I talk to my friends, he told me a secret, do you know what I’m saying? If you’re having difficulty with using these words, don’t worry.

Unità:Dire: to say o to tell. Dire si traduce in inglese con to say o con to tell. La differenza tra i verbi “To say ” e “to tell ” è sottile: “to say ” è simile a “dire” e si può usare il “to” dopo il verbo.

To tell è più simile a “raccontare” e non si usa mai con il “to”. Il discorso indiretto si usa generalmente per parlare del passato, quindi diventa necessario modificare il tempo dei verbi riportati. Per introdurre un discorso indiretto si usano i verbi tipo say , tell , ask insieme alla parola that, che però non è obbligatoria.

Nel discorso indiretto non si usano le virgolette. To speak (parlare) si usa solamente quando si fa riferimento all’ abilità del parlare. Ask is an antonym of tell. As verbs the difference between ask and tell is that ask is to look for an answer to a question by speaking while tell is to count, reckon, or enumerate.

La categoria scuola media inglese esercizi on line sul verbo say e tell nel più completo archivio di schede didattiche, spiegazioni, verifiche, giochi didattici, materiali per la scuola primaria e secondaria. Thank you for your question. And I say to all the people of this great country. Tell is used to tell someone to do something. Tell : used with direct and indirect speech.

However, say and tell are two verbs that are easily confused by virtue of the closeness in their meanings. Say is used as a verb, noun and an exclamation. The verb tell is used as a verb as well as a noun. Don’t worry, you are not alone!

I get asked the difference between “ tell ” and “ say ” and “talk” and “speak” all the time by my students! So, I’ve made this video to help you understand!

Let’s start with “ say ” and “ tell ”. We cannot use say or tell to talk about reported questions. They asked what I wanted to eat. He asked if she wanted. We can also use ' tell ' in reported orders. You can learn more about this here).

Try an exercise about using ' say ' and ' tell ' here. She asked where he lived. Learn more about reported speech here. Get more Perfect English Grammar with our courses.

See all reported speech exercises here.

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